A downloadable game

Necrophobia is a Source SDK mod developed by Mr. Nyxx. The map featured in the game is made by Ethosaur (https://steamcommunity.com/id/ethosaur).

Necrophobia is a singleplayer game. It uses ambiance, lighting and sounds, unexpected events and much more, instead of cheap face jumpscares to give you quite a chill. The game features about 15-20 minutes of gameplay per chapter or more depending on how much you observe the areas or blast right trough them. The game isn't only about horror, however. It also features a bit of puzzle mechanics.


Necrophobia v1.0.zip 59 MB

Install instructions

/!\ You must own Half-Life 2 to play this mod /!\


1. Unzip/Extract the "necrophobia" file inside of the zip archive.
2. Navigate to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\sourcemods"
3. Drop the file into that directory. Log out of steam then back in.
4. Look for the game in your steam library.
5. If you are having trouble installing this mod, contact Mr. Nyxx @ http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198160404094/

Development log